S106 funding privacy notice

Cambridge City Council is required, under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), to provide data subjects with key information about how their personal information will be used by the Council.

The Developer Contributions Monitoring Unit, within Corporate Strategy, collects personal data for the following activities:

  • To respond to S106 funding enquiries
  • To process S106 funding proposals and grant applications
  • To process S106 funding awards, payments and grant agreements
  • To monitor the use of S106 funding and ensure public money has been spent for the purpose allocated
  • To provide information about the use of S106 funding and S106 funded grants

We collect names, addresses, email addresses, telephone numbers (mobile, landline and work numbers), and photographs (relating to funded projects) via online, phone, face to face, or other written interactions.

We process your data with a view to working with you or the organisation you represent.

Information on your rights regarding your personal data you provide us is available in our corporate privacy notice.

We will not share your personal data with external agencies or individuals. However, we may process the information you provide to prevent and detect fraud in any of our systems and may supply information to government agencies, law enforcement agencies internal audit, regulators or other external bodies for such purposes. We do not routinely process any information about you outside the European Economic Area (EEA), except in rare cases, where we use all appropriate safeguards.

We only keep your personal information as long as necessary.

Please refer to our Retention Policy for more information.

We will review mailing lists annually.

You can contact us at any point if you no longer want to be informed about grant opportunities.

We will delete enquiry information which did not result in an application after one year.

If you have a query regarding your rights please contact the Data Protection Officer who can be contacted by emailing infogov@3csharedservices.org or you can write to the Council and mark your letter for the attention of the Data Protection Officer.

You have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).


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