Risk assessments and safety policies

The law requires that employers produce health and safety policies and risk assessments.

Controlling dangers at work is no different from tackling any other task.

It is about recognising the problem, knowing enough about it, deciding what to do and putting the solution into practice.

Employer obligations

  • All employers and self-employed people have to carry out risk assessments of their work activities.
  • Employers have to consult their employees or their employees' representatives on certain health and safety matters.
  • Employers have to provide health and safety training for employees.
  • Employers with five or more employees must produce a written health and safety policy.
  • They must also record the significant findings of their risk assessments.

The Health & Safety Executive have provided a useful template document which can be used by businesses to produce their risk assessments and safety policy.

Risk Assessment and Policy template [DOC, 93Kb]

Further information

For further information, including industry specific health & safety topic areas, template risk assessments and health and safety policy forms, visit the Health and Safety Executive's risk management webpages.

Books and leaflets are available from HSE Books.

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