Resolve a dispute about a high hedge

If you have an issue with a neighbour’s high hedge, you must first try to resolve it with them informally. We cannot get involved unless you can demonstrate that informal talks have not worked.

When you have tried and exhausted all other avenues for resolving your dispute, you can ask us to consider your complaint if:

  • the hedge is a line of two or more evergreen or semi-evergreen trees or shrubs
  • the hedge is more than two metres high
  • the hedge acts as a barrier to light or access
  • the hedge adversely affects your reasonable enjoyment of your home due to its height

We cannot mediate or negotiate between you and the hedge owner. Our role is to adjudicate on whether, according to the law, the hedge adversely affects your reasonable enjoyment of your property. In doing so, we must take account of all relevant factors. We aim to find a fair balance between your interests and those of the hedge owner and the wider community.

When we receive your complaint, we will visit the site to measure the hedge and record other details. If we decide that action should be taken, we will send a formal remedial notice to the hedge owner outlining what they need to do and by when.

Both you and the hedge owner have the right to appeal our decision.

We charge £600 to consider high hedge complaints.

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