Reduced use of herbicides

We started restricting our use of herbicides in 2019. We have now stopped using herbicides at all sites we own, including parks, car parks and housing areas.

We now only use specific herbicides when other methods are not available or suitable, such as to control Japanese knotweed.

Instead of herbicides, we use mechanical sweepers and hand-held hoes and weed-ripping brushes. This is better for the environment, and better for residents’ and our officers’ health.

We made this change at the conclusion of our Herbicide Reduction Plan [PDF]. It was also a response to our declaration of a biodiversity emergency.

‘Happy Bee Streets’ scheme

The Happy Bee Streets scheme helps you improve biodiversity in your street through community weeding.

We support groups of residents with tools and advice to manage their pavements in ways that better support wildlife and public health.

The scheme was set up as part of our Herbicide Reduction Plan. It has proven to be a success and its development and expansion is ongoing.

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