Reduce your waste

The waste generated from our homes has a significant impact on the environment. A large proportion of domestic waste ends up in landfill, but this can be reduced by carefully looking at the amount of materials we order when carrying out improvement works, the amount of packaging that products come in, and reusing and recycling those materials where possible.

Reduce your water use

  • Save water by installing a water butt in your garden. Collect rainwater from your home, garage, greenhouse or shed in water butts and buckets, and then re-use it in the garden. The average rooftop collects 85,000 litres of water every year. A water butt is a great way to put some of this to use. Visit to view Cambridgeshire County Council's pages to view their offers on water butts.
  • View Cambridge Water’s website with advice on ways to save water at home and in the garden and their free water saving gadgets.

Reduce your consumption

Re-use and recycle

Our ‘Greening your home’ booklet will provide you with the information you need to make your home and lifestyle greener.

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