Protect yourself from fraud and scams

While we cannot eliminate the threat of frauds and scams, we work to help raise awareness of them, especially of local threats.

We are a partner in the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Against Scams Partnership, which provides resources including information about different types of fraud and scams, and support for victims.

Report a fraud or scam

Action Fraud is the UK’s central point of contact for reporting fraud, phone scams and online scams. It’s also a useful source of information about fraud and financially motivated online crime.

Contact Cambridgeshire Police if you have been a victim of rogue trading or doorstep crime. In an emergency, always dial 999. Otherwise, report it online or call 101.

The Citizen Advice Consumer Helpline can provide support and advice on different types of scams.

The National Trading Standards’ eCrime team investigates reports of fraud and scams committed using the internet, email or mobile phone technology. Report online scams to them through the Citizen Advice Consumer Helpline.

If you have been affected by crime, the Cambridgeshire Victim and Witness Hub can provide emotional and practical help.

Recent reports of fraud and scams

Check Action Fraud’s fraud news and Trading Standards’ latest scams page for information and advice about recent fraud and scams.

NHS vaccine text message scam

5 January 2021 - there are reports of scam text messages being sent telling people they are eligible to apply for a coronavirus vaccine. The messages contain a link that takes the user to an NHS branded website that asks for personal information including bank card details. 

Please do not give any bank or card details to make payment for a vaccine or to prove your residential address. Coronavirus vaccines are administered free of charge. Your surgery or the NHS will not ask for any money or bank details.

Housing repairs telephone scam

In October 2020 we were made aware of a scam where a company calling themselves 'The Outbound Team' have been phoning council tenants and asking for personal information and details about rent. The number they called from is 01514 386 673.

This company is not affiliated with Cambridge City Council and has been reported as a scam operation in other parts of the country.

We do use some external contractors for housing repairs who may contact you, but if you receive a call and are worried or want to verify a contractor, please call us on 01223 457000.

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