We publish an annual summary of the percentage of invoices we have paid, and the total amount of interest accrued on late payments.
We include the number of invoices that we pay after more than 30 days, and an estimate of the total interest that we accrued on these late payments.
The table shows:
- Invoices paid: the proportion of valid and undisputed invoices paid within 30 days
- Interest paid: the amount of interest paid to suppliers due to late payment
- Late invoices: the number of invoices paid more than 30 days after being received
- Calculated interest: an estimate of the amount of interest owed on the late payments, if we were charged it. We calculate liability using the interest rate as on 31 March of each year. Not all disputed invoices are identifiable within the data set, so the total amount liable could be lower than stated.
Financial year | Invoices paid | Interest paid | Late invoices | Calculated interest |
2023/24 | 97.60% | £0 | 678 | £58,261.75 |
2022/23 | 98.62% | £0 | 362 | £102,548.69 |
2021/22 | 98.58% | £0 | 345 | £11,688.64 |
2020/21 | 97.82% | £0 | 587 | £35,827.48 |
2019/20 | 94.22% | £0 | 1,307 | £53,821.62 |
2018/19 | 91.69% | £0 | 1,839 | £83,269.06 |
Provision of personal data to the Cabinet Office
We are required by law to protect the public funds that we administer. To do this we sometimes need to share the personal data you have given us with the bodies responsible for auditing or administering those funds, in order to prevent and detect fraud.
The Cabinet Office requires us to participate in the National Fraud Initiative (NFI), a data-matching exercise to assist in the prevention and detection of fraud against ourselves and other public-sector organisations. We regularly provide particular sets of data to the Cabinet Office for this purpose, as set out in the code of practice.
- Find out more about data protection.
Data information
The information in the data files includes payments to the voluntary community and social enterprise sector; it does not include any payments made through our payroll system.
The data is held on our financial management system, TechnologyOne. The extracts are obtained utilising the TechnologyOne reporting tool.
The files include the following headings, the majority of which are those prescribed by the government, and some of which we have added to provide further information:
- Body name: Name of our authority
- Date: Date the invoice was paid
- Transaction number: The council's unique invoice identifier
- Amount (see note below): The amount of the invoice charged to a particular expense area or type. This does not include VAT
- Supplier name: Name of the supplier as held in the council's financial management system
- Supplier ID: The council's unique supplier identifier
- Service area categorisation: The department responsible for spending the money
- Expense type: Identifies the general nature of the expenditure
- Cost centre: Service area to which expenditure applies
- Supplier classification:Thompson classification of the supplier
Note: A leading minus sign may indicate:
- corrections to coding
- credit notes
- deductions from payments for services provided by the council
The data is freely reusable under the terms and conditions of the Open Government Licence.