Projects to prevent harm to health

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Integrated Care System (ICS) give us funding to support projects that aim to reduce health harms caused by cold weather and the cost-of-living crisis.

We asked local communities what they could do to support citizens struggling with the cold and rising cost of living.

We gave a total of £50,000 to 43 projects to help communities to respond rapidly. Projects included:

  • setting up warm and welcoming spaces
  • providing community meals and Christmas food hampers
  • providing social activities

Watch our video about creating warm spaces in Cambridgeshire, and short films about the Abbey Stadium warm hub, Coleridge warm hub and Jesus Lane warm hub.

The funding also enabled 11 ‘pop-up’ events around the city to help residents to access support and advice about the cost of living.

And it paid for targeted support for households on low incomes and in sheltered accommodation, to reduce the cost of energy, cooking and staying warm in winter.

We will support conversations and working groups to focus further funding from ICS to tackle health inequalities.

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