‘Our Cambridge’ transformation programme

The ‘Our Cambridge’ programme is transforming Cambridge City Council. The project is building a better, more efficient and sustainable council – we need to be an organisation that is fit for the future and operates within our budget.

We are becoming a more digitally enabled and efficient council delivering high quality services for residents.

We will continue our commitment to work with charities, businesses and other public sector organisations, to identify additional ways to share resources and collaborate.

Changes the programme is making

  • Consolidate our office space in the historic city centre base at the Guildhall and explore how to maximise the value of our underused office and civic space to support frontline services.
  • Improvements to our online forms so the public can self-serve 24 hours a day, without needing to call or email us.
  • Established networks with other local partners and organisations across the city. We will be working more efficiently together to deliver services and offer residents support.
  • Talked to residents across the city asking them to share feedback with us and help us to define our future role in ensuring the city continues to be a great place to live and work.
  • Launched our new consultation and engagement platform, to make sure it’s easy for people to have their say and share feedback on any proposals we may have for the future.
  • Internally, we’re making improvements to the way our teams work to make sure we’re being efficient:
    • hybrid working is embedded and productive
    • processes work for everyone involved
    • we are offering the best services possible to residents within the budget available to us.

An opportunity to raise millions for Greater Cambridge

Cambridge City Council, It Takes A City Community Land Trust and a range of other partners have been exploring how local social issues could be tackled by raising millions of pounds of ‘place-based social impact investment’. 

The funding provided by investors is dedicated to resolving social issues such as homelessness and creating positive impacts through projects including housebuilding or getting people into work. This money would benefit the people of Greater Cambridge.

This work is being supported by AchieveGood, an organisation who work with local and national governments, non-profits and corporates to build the best partnerships across sectors, and who have experience in social impact investing.

Read more about the opportunities available in the report:

Find out more

Place-based social impact investment works to create positive social outcomes through investing in specific areas or communities. These investments aim to provide social or environmental benefits, and financial returns.

This tailored approach focuses on the strengths of an area and builds partnerships using the unique community networks to channel resources to local organisations and initiatives that meet needs in that area.

It is often complemented by blended finance, an approach where grants are used to facilitate lending and increase the chances of success.

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