New Park Street car park one of first in UK to be accredited for accessible EV charging

The recently opened Park Street car and cycle park in Cambridge has become one of the first car parks in the UK to be given a new national accreditation for making electrical vehicle charging accessible to all.

The ‘Park Access EV’ accreditation has been awarded to the new Cambridge City Council-owned car park by the British Parking Association and Disabled Motoring UK.

It recognises that the electric vehicle charging facilities there meet the highest national standards for disabled motorists and others with accessibility needs.

Criteria for the Park Access EV accreditation include ensuring that:

  • Charging point components are at a suitable height for users, whether seated or standing
  • There is ample space around the parking bay for wheelchair users, users of other mobility aids, and people with other requirements
  • All signage and other information provided is clear, helpful and easily understandable

Park Street car and cycle park, which opened last November, has two accessible EV charging spaces among 16 blue badge parking spaces. In total there are 222 underground car parking spaces, 26 of which are active EV charging spaces with the remainder already set up to become EV charging spaces as demand grows.

There is also parking provided for 239 bicycles, 10 oversized bicycles and 20 motorcycles.

As well as the Park Access EV accreditation, the new car and cycle park has also received its standard Park Access accreditations from the British Parking Association. The standard Park Access accreditation shows that it meets best practice in ensuring the car park is fully accessible for disabled customers.

It has also achieved the national Park Mark award for safer parking, accredited by the British Parking Association and the police.

Cllr Katie Thornburrow, Executive Councillor for Planning, Building Control and Infrastructure, said: “I am really pleased to hear that our new Park Street car and cycle park is one of the very first in the country to receive this accreditation. 

“It is another demonstration of the city council’s commitment to providing electric vehicle charging facilities and making them fully accessible. It will help people as they switch to electric vehicles which will help tackle the urgent climate crisis, reduce emissions and make Cambridge a cleaner, greener city.”  

Colin Sproats of the British Parking Association said: “We are delighted that Cambridge City Council has gained the Park Access EV accreditation. Park Access EV is the only accreditation of its kind that includes requirements and recommendations for accessible EV charging informed by the British Standards Institution accessibility standard, PAS 1899.

“This award demonstrates a commitment to ensuring that the Park Street car park in Cambridge and its EV charge points are accessible to everyone allowing motorists, whatever their abilities, to park and charge with confidence.”

Graham Footer of Disabled Motoring UK said: “Disabled Motoring UK is thrilled that Cambridge City Council has achieved the Park Access EV accreditation at their Park Street car park. It demonstrates Cambridge City Council’s desire to make their parking provision inclusive for people of all abilities.

“Congratulations to everyone involved in achieving the Park Access EV accreditation and to Cambridge City Council for leading the way in accessible electric vehicle public charging provision.”