We are aware of a petition to 'Save Histon Road Playground', and have received a number of media enquiries about the concerns raised in the petition.
The petition relates to proposed development by Cambridge Investment Partnership (CIP), an equal partnership between the council and housebuilder Hill, at the ATS and Murketts site, to build 70 new homes, including 42 private sale homes and 28 council homes.
This is part of the council’s programme of work across Cambridge to improve accommodation standards for people living in existing council homes; to build additional council homes to meet local needs; and to address wider housing supply issues, including much-needed larger family homes.
Planning for the development was approved at planning committee in September 2024. The planning documents can be viewed by searching application ref.
24/01354/FUL or clicking here.
As part of the development, one new access from the development into the recreation ground was approved as illustrated below. This includes the reconfiguration of the metal railing around the play area, but does not remove any of the recreation ground itself.
Responding to the petition
Cllr Gerri Bird, Executive Councillor for Housing, said: “I do understand that change can be challenging, but change can be beneficial for everyone, which I believe it will be in this instance.
“The Rec will be improved overall in terms of biodiversity, and no recreation space or play equipment will be lost – in fact, S106 funding resulting from the new development will ensure improvements, including accessibility into the Rec and play areas, and ongoing maintenance of the facilities on the Rec for years to come, benefitting existing residents and new residents alike.
“If we didn’t include an access point for new residents, we wouldn’t be doing our duty to help them access open space and facilities that will support their wellbeing. And we have been working with existing residents throughout, adapting our plans to find solutions that we think will work for everyone, and we are grateful for their input to get to this point.”
No loss of open recreation space or play equipment
None of the open recreation space or play equipment will be lost from the Rec. The reconfiguration of the metal railing to enable access from the new development will make way for the new access point but will divert around trees to limit impact.
Due to these proposals, biodiversity and the quality of play equipment will in fact be improved due to financial contributions from the developer.
The council has been listening to local people and adapting the plans as the project has developed:
- following a consultation in November 2023, a meeting was held with residents in April 2024 and, following feedback from that meeting, the designs were amended to reduce the number of access points from two down to one, and to keep the play area enclosed
- in November 2024 the council further consulted with residents on the enhancements to the Rec, related to accessibility, safety and play features.
Enabling easy access to the Rec for residents in the new homes doesn’t ‘set a dangerous precedent’: there is an urgent need for new homes in Cambridge, including market homes and council homes (as are planned for at this development), and people living in new homes just as people living in existing homes need access to open spaces, play facilities, and biodiversity, to benefit their wellbeing.
Biodiversity Net Gain
The requirement for ‘Biodiversity Net Gain’ relates to the quality of natural spaces. Planning guidelines determine that BNG can be achieved either on the site of a development or elsewhere. The quality of the biodiversity will be calculated in advance of any development, improved upon through additional planting, and then monitored for 30 years.
The commitment to Biodiversity Net Gain on Histon Road Rec will mean that both existing residents and new residents, as well as the natural environment, will benefit as a result of the new development.