Cambridge is no place for hate

Statement by the Mayor of CambridgeCllr Baiju Thittala

"We were shocked and deeply saddened by the horrific events in Southport on Monday 29 July. Our heartfelt thoughts remain with the three young girls who were killed, all those who were injured, their families and loved ones, and the people of Southport.

"We have been appalled at the weaponisation of this tragedy by the far right, and at the violence, Islamophobia and racial hatred witnessed in parts of the country in recent weeks, as well as the attacks on public servants and community infrastructure.

"We stand in solidarity with those in our communities who have been impacted and made to feel fearful as a result of these hate crimes which, as recent community solidarity has demonstrated are completely unacceptable in our society.

"Saturday’s peaceful anti-racism demonstration at Donkey Common has shown that there is no place for hate in Cambridge and we are grateful for our residents providing support and solidarity during times of distress.

"We have been in regular contact with those communities who have been most impacted to provide support and reassurance, along with our council community teams and police colleagues.

"As a City of Sanctuary, Cambridge is proudly multicultural, and home to people from a very wide variety of backgrounds. It should not need repeating, but everyone is welcome here, including people of all faiths and none, refugees, and people seeking asylum. We remain a city that is united against hate and will continue to do all we can to make sure that all our residents are able to live safely and free from fear."

For the latest information, please visit Cambridgeshire Constabulary’s website, where any concerns can also be reported. The latest update from the police was published on 8 August 2024, which reminds people to be cautious about what they see on social media, as there has been misinformation circulating: Statement concerning national disorder.

Endorsed by:

Cllr Mike Davey, Leader of Cambridge City Council and Leader of the Labour Group

Cllr Tim Bick, Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group

Cllr Naomi Bennett, Leader of the Green Party Group

Poster which reads 'Cambridge is no place for hate'
Conversation Over Borders has invited the public to submit messages of “solidarity” online, which they plan to write by hand and deliver to people in accommodation hotels across the country