Update on the Ballot for the Establishment of a Business Improvement District for Accommodation Providers in Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire

Accommodation Business Improvement District Ballot Result

From Friday 14 June to Thursday 11 July 5pm, larger hotels within Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire were invited to vote in a Ballot on the proposal by the Cambridge BID to establish an Accommodation Business Improvement District (ABID).

If successful, this would mean that from 1 January 2025 visitors staying in large hotels in the area would pay a £2 visitor levy per room per night which would be reinvested by the ABID into developing the Greater Cambridge visitor offer and encouraging people to stay overnight in the area.

The result of the ballot is that the majority of the Business ratepayers in the proposed BID area who voted, voted against the proposal, both by aggregate rateable value and numbers voting. See details below, or the formal declaration by Civica who held the ballot on the Council’s behalf.

Accommodation Business Improvement District Ballot Result
Vote Count Rateable value
Yes 6 2,282,500
No 16 7,030,750
Invalid 1 800,000
Total 23 10,113,250