Public meeting discusses proposals for access to public recreation ground from new housing

Local residents came together this week for a special meeting to discuss proposals for creating two new access points to Histon Road Recreation Ground from a new housing development to be built by Cambridge Investment Partnership on an adjacent site.

Initial plans for the site, at 137-140 Histon Road, which were submitted for planning consideration by Cambridge Investment Partnership in April, are for 70 new homes (45 houses and 25 apartments, including 28 affordable homes) plus landscaped open spaces.

There are no proposals to build on any part of Histon Recreation Ground, but two new access points from the new development are proposed. There would not be any direct route from the park through the new development to the supermarkets and shops on Histon Road.

More than 70 people attended the event organised by Cambridge City Council at St Augustine’s Church, Richmond Road on Thursday 23 May. Attendees had the chance to discuss concerns about initial proposals for access to the park with councillors and council officers.

Officers facilitated table discussions and feedback was collected for the project team to consider. Local residents are encouraged to continue to engage with the team and share their invaluable local knowledge. They can do so by emailing, phoning 01223 457000 or writing to Cambridge City Council, FAO Housing Development, PO Box 700, Cambridge, CB1 0JH.

Cllr Simon Smith, Executive Councillor for Finance and Resources, said: “It was great to see so many local people taking the time to attend the public meeting on Thursday, and for us to hear what they had to say.

“Councillors and officers heard a strong message from residents that the existing secure play area is much loved by generations of children, parents and grandparents, and that any proposals for new accesses into the fenced off play area should be ruled out.

“I look forward to future meetings when residents can have their say on proposals for new play features, further planting, habitat areas, bird and bat boxes, picnic benches and cycle stands.” 

The full planning documents for the proposals can be viewed and commented on by searching application reference 24/01354/FUL on Greater Cambridge Shared Planning Service’s planning portal.