The below statement was issued in response to media enquiries related to the BDW2 development site at Darwin Green. You can read an earlier statement from the council about this matter from June 2023 [link no longer active].
A number of properties have been demolished due to failed foundations. The developer, BDW, had said before Christmas and again in February that when the homes are rebuilt they would not be built to new standards. Cambridge City Council as the local authority Building Control service has the power of enforcement and, having sought legal advice on this matter, had advised BDW of the requirement to build the homes to new standards.
Cllr Katie Thornburrow, Executive Councillor for Planning, Building Control and Infrastructure, said: “I’m pleased to confirm that following discussions with BDW in recent weeks, they confirmed to us this week that when they build the homes following the recent demolitions, they will meet the new standards. The new standards provide for better ventilation, conservation of fuel and power, and mitigation of overheating, which are a vital part of efforts nationwide to mitigate and equip people for the impacts of climate change. We’re grateful to BDW for working with us towards this outcome.”