Report provides update on options for Ekin Road estate

The council announced in June 2023 that it had appointed Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL) as to assess potential options for the Ekin Road estate in Abbey ward.

The assessment of the Ekin Road estate is part of the council’s wider programme of work across Cambridge to improve accommodation standards for people living in existing council homes; to build additional council homes to meet local need; and to address wider housing supply issues, including much-needed larger family homes.

The Ekin Road estate was identified for assessment because some of the homes have significant maintenance and structural issues and are well below the current standards the council applies to new developments.

The council has a duty either to invest in refurbishment works to improve the quality of homes, or to invest in partial or full redevelopment to build new, high-quality homes for its tenants, and, where feasible, increase the overall number or size of affordable homes to help meet local housing need.

JLL was commissioned to further investigate three shortlisted options.

The JLL report has been published today.

The council has also published its response to the report.

As is made plain in the report, none of the options available to the council are financially risk-free, but there is a housing crisis in the city and the council takes its responsibility seriously to deliver the best housing outcomes for the people of Cambridge.

The challenge is how to proceed in a way that delivers high quality, affordable homes for tenants, while being affordable to the council.  

The next step is to discuss findings with the Ekin Road Liaison Group on 4 March. After that, the council intends to consult residents on emerging designs.


Residents will be consulted on the emerging designs from 11 March to 3 May, and can access information at

There will be consultation events at Barnwell Baptist Church on:

  • Saturday 16 March, 10am to 1pm
  • Wednesday 20 March, 4pm to 7pm
  • Online on Monday 18 March, 6pm to 7.30pm. Register online

As always paper copies of the consultation material will be available at Barnwell Road Library and Abbey People Hub, from 12 March.

There is also an opportunity to hear about the wider plans for the ward and to help shape the future of Abbey at a meeting being held on 13 March from 5.45pm to 7.30pm at Christ The Redeemer Church.