Centre for Cities publishes Cities Outlook 2024

CAMBRIDGE City Council has responded to the publication of a report by the Centre for Cities, called Cities Outlook 2024.

Commenting on the report, Cllr Mike Davey, Leader of Cambridge City Council, said: “We welcome the Centre for Cities (CfC) report and are keenly interested in the findings they present. It demonstrates the success of Cambridge’s economy, yet highlights the need for cities to do better and for success to be shared more equitably amongst communities.

“Cambridge residents are acutely aware of how their disposable income has been squeezed since 2010, most recently highlighted by the cost of living crisis. While productivity is presented as the key driver of long-term growth, residents are also confronted by sky-high housing and energy costs, alongside years of wage stagnation.

“Additional investment in infrastructure for water, power, transport and housing is necessary for fast growing cities like Cambridge to make the most of our economic potential and for growth to be sustainable.

“We also need devolved powers for local democratic institutions to have greater influence over how those investments are deployed, so that these cities can thrive, improve the quality of life of local people and benefit the UK economy too.”

Cllr Davey added: “As our State of the City report highlights, Cambridge delivered more affordable homes per resident than any other city in England between 2010 and 2021, and last year we delivered more social homes per resident than any other local authority, according to Inside Housing analysis.

“However, with the continuing cost of living crisis we need more affordable and social rent homes in the city for nurses, teachers and other essential workers, and we have been engaging local communities to develop exciting new plans for more high quality, low carbon, social rent homes.

“As we continue to grow, we are determined that this must be sustainable, green growth. It must also be inclusive and enable more local people to share in the benefits of the prosperity Cambridge generates.

“Our emerging community wealth building plans will support local communities to develop long term initiatives to grow their income and retain more of the wealth created within the community.”