Have your say on council's budget priorities before consultation closes

Residents, organisations and businesses are being urged to have their say on Cambridge City Council’s budget priorities for 2024-25 before the consultation period closes.

People still have an opportunity to comment on services provided by the council, which services to prioritise, and initial proposals to help set a balanced budget for the next financial year during the public consultation which runs until the end of Sunday 14 January.

The council needs to reduce revenue spending from its £73m General Fund budget by £6m per annum within the next three years and £11m per annum within five years, due to continued reductions in Government funding and increased financial pressures.

In the current consultation the public are being asked to prioritise some potential budget proposals which could help it achieve its financial targets. In addition, people taking part can state which current council services they value most, and state how they think the council should balance its budget – for example through better use of technology, or increased collaboration with partners.

Responses received in the consultation will be reviewed by councillors when the council’s Budget Setting Report is considered later this month.

Cllr Simon Smith, Executive Councillor for Finance and Resources, said: “Thanks to the hundreds of people who have already taken the time to take part in our online consultation. Your responses will really help us make some important decisions about where we should focus our spending for the year ahead, and help us shape the council services which so many people rely on.

“If you haven’t done so already, I’d urge you to take just a few minutes and complete our online survey before the 14 January deadline.”

People can take part in the council’s 2024-25 budget consultation at https://engage.cambridge.gov.uk