Cambridge resident prosecuted and charged £1,508 for abandoning vehicle

In a prosecution brought by Cambridge City Council, a Cambridge resident has been ordered to pay a total charge of £1,508 by Cambridge Magistrates, for abandoning their vehicle in the city.

Mavlon Rakhmonkulon of Arbury Road had failed to claim their motorcycle which had been left parked on Water Street. It had been reported to the council as abandoned and not moved for more than four weeks.

The resident was issued a fixed penalty notice as an alternative to prosecution but failed to pay the fine. The matter was referred to the court and Rakhmonkulon was prosecuted for the original offence. The case was heard on Tuesday 14 November. Rakhmonkulon failed to attend the court, did not enter a plea and was found guilty in their absence. As a result, they were ordered to pay a fine of £220, as well as £1,200 costs and a £88 victim surcharge.

Cllr Rosy Moore, Executive Councillor for Climate Action and Environment, said: “We all have a duty to look after the city. Abandoning vehicles has economic, environmental and social costs. It makes the city look uncared for and encourages other forms of anti-social behaviour, which has a negative impact on the local community and area.

“If you are the owner of an unwanted vehicle, you are responsible for making sure it is disposed of legally and responsibly. I encourage residents who are aware of abandoned vehicles to report them to us online so that appropriate action can be taken.”