Residents, businesses and organisations invited to have their say on council's budget priorities

Local residents, organisations and businesses are being asked to have their say on Cambridge City Council’s priorities for setting a balanced budget for 2024-25.

People can comment on services currently provided by the council, which services should be prioritised, and initial proposals to help set next year’s budget during the public consultation which runs until 14 January 2024.

The council’s recently published Medium Term Financial Strategy identifies a need to reduce revenue spending from our £73m General Fund budget by £6m per annum within the next three years and £11m per annum within five years.

Among the potential budget proposals, the public is being asked to prioritise in the consultation are:

  • Improving the environmental performance of council buildings
  • Charging commercially for the provision of advice
  • Reviewing and merging services to improve efficiency
  • Renting out unused council office space
  • Modernising and streamlining operational services
  • Supporting households most impacted by the cost-of-living crisis
  • Reducing the city’s carbon footprint in collaboration with partners

In addition, people have the chance to say which current council services they value most, and state how they think the council should balance its budget – for example through better use of digital technology, and increased collaboration with communities and other organisations.

Cllr Simon Smith, Executive Councillor for Finance and Resources, said: “Due to Government funding cuts, inflation and increasing local demand on services due to the cost of living crisis and the city’s rapid growth, balancing the council’s budget remains challenging. Despite this we are as committed as ever to providing top-quality services, supporting residents in the greatest need, securing good growth to benefit everyone in the city, and tackling climate change.

“The council is inviting residents to tell us about their priorities for council services, comment on potential budget proposals and where we could make savings. To help the council set the right priorities, please make your voice heard – and take part in the consultation by visiting our engagement platform."

Responses received in the consultation will be reviewed by councillors when the council’s Budget Setting Report is considered in early 2024.