Next steps for potential improvements to housing estate at Ekin Road

Cambridge City Council has set out the next stages of how it will consult and engage with local resident over possible changes to housing at Ekin Road estate in Abbey ward.

The council’s Housing Scrutiny Committee on 19 September approved continuation of the options appraisal process, and to review the following three options for Ekin Road housing in further detail:

  • Option 2 – Retain the buildings in existing form and undertake essential repairs and retrofitting
  • Option 6 – Partial redevelopment involving retention of houses to the south and east of the estate
  • Option 7 – Full redevelopment of the estate

Earlier this year the council appointed Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL) as independent advisors to assess a number of potential options for the estate. They will now undertake detailed analysis of these three options.

JLL will aim to speak to residents from every household on the estate by the end of November to find out their views on the three options, their current homes and their general wellbeing, in order to complete an independent survey of each Ekin Road household.

The survey will be promoted on the project website, and through letters and visits to every household affected.

In addition, during this period confidential appointments will be available for residents to discuss their personal circumstances and ask any questions they may have.

The analysis work and the residents’ survey will enable JLL to develop a draft report, scheduled for publication in February 2024. There are then due to be two public consultation events, to give people the chance to comment on and ask questions about the draft report and the recommended design options, before a final report is due to be submitted for approval to the council’s Housing Scrutiny Committee in June 2024.

During this period, further regular meetings of the Ekin Road Liaison Group, open to all residents, are due to take place on Wednesday 6 December, Monday 4 March and Monday 3 June. Residents will be contacted with full details about these meetings before they take place.

The Ekin Road estate currently has more than 120 flats, maisonettes and houses built in the 1950s-60s, including many council homes. Many of the properties there have ongoing maintenance issues and do not meet current standards for sustainability. Ekin Road was identified as an estate to be considered for possible redevelopment in a report presented at the council’s Housing Scrutiny Committee in September 2021.

Since then, the council has started to explore potential options for the estate and in June 2022 began an engagement process with residents to collect feedback from the community. More information on the project so far can be found at

Cllr Gerri Bird, Executive Councillor for Housing and Homelessness, said: “We hope that by clearly setting out these next steps we can reassure Ekin Road residents that three options for the estate are now all being considered, and that nothing has yet been decided.

“Since the project began in 2021 we have held regular meetings and consultation events with residents to inform them of latest proposals and developments, and we will continue to do so in the coming months.

“We are determined to hear from as many residents as possible to get a rounded picture of their views on the proposals and options, which is why we will be contacting and visiting every household. Everybody deserves to have their say and be heard.

“We’re committed to improving the condition of council-owned housing across the city so people have modern, comfortable homes to enjoy, and to doing what is within our power to help tackle the climate emergency, particularly around energy use and sustainability in our properties.”

Residents can contact the council at any time with questions or concerns at or by phoning 07563 421031. They can also contact their elected Tenant and Leaseholder representatives at