All applicants for a new taxi driver’s licence must pass a medical examination. Doctors will charge for this service – fees vary.
The medical certificate must certify that you meet Group II Medical Assessment standards, as applied by the DVLA in relation to bus and lorry drivers. It must not be dated more than eight weeks prior to the completion of all stages of the application process.
After your first medical examination, you must take another every five years, when you turn 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 and 55. If you are 60 or older, you must pass the examination every year.
If you hold a current PSV or HGV licence and can produce evidence of a current medical examination, we will accept that at ages 45, 50, 55 and 60. You must produce Group II Medical Assessment certificates at ages 25, 30, 35 and 40.
Your responsibilities
You must:
- Obtain your full medical record, or a summary of your medical history including medication and previous conditions, from your GP.
- Book an appointment for a Group 2 medical assessment with your GP or with a doctor at our approved providers (see below).
- Take your medical record or summary, a blank copy of the medical examination report (D4 form) [PDF, 13.5MB] and the medical certificate [PDF, 0.1MB] to your GP or an approved practice for completion.
After the assessment, send us copies of the completed medical examination report form and medical certificate by email as soon as possible. Please send both documents together.
Approved medical practices
- D4Drivers
- Huntingdon Road Surgery
- Ayyaz Kauser – based in Peterborough. GMC reference number: 3673443. Contact 07930 440219
- Medicald4
- Drive2medicals
Contact us for a printed copy of the medical assessment form.
Part 2 Section 24 of the Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Handbook provides further information on medicals.
The practitioner carrying out the medical is required to complete and sign a Medical Certificate to state whether they declare you fit or unfit to drive a Hackney Carriage or Private Hire Vehicle.
For new applicants, the medical certificate will only be accepted if it is dated within eight weeks of the completion of all stages of the application process.
If you have any questions, contact us or the DVLA.
Medical issues that might affect your application
Licence holders and applicants must consider the medical conditions listed below. We might refuse to grant an application or revoke an existing licence where an applicant has any of the listed conditions:
- Neurological disorders - Epilepsy, blackouts, narcolepsy and sleep disorders, Multiple Sclerosis/Parkinson’s disease, cerebrovascular disease.
- Diabetes - IDD and NIDD.
- Psychiatric disorders - neuroses, psychosis, dementia.
- Alcohol misuse or dependence - this includes anyone who has committed a drink drive offence or has suffered seizures associated with alcohol misuse or dependence.
- Renal disorders.
- Respiratory disorders - sleep apnoea syndrome, cough syncope.
- Visual disorders - poor vision, lack of peripheral vision, monocular vision.
You must tell the DVLA if you have a driving licence and:
- You develop a 'notifiable' medical condition or disability
- A condition or disability has got worse since you got your licence
You could be fined up to £1,000 if you do not tell the DVLA about a condition that might affect your ability to drive safely. You could also be prosecuted if you have an accident.