Inclusive physical activities

We want everybody to have access to sport and physical activity, regardless of any disability or additional needs they might have.

This page lists local activities that are either tailored to people with disabilities or designed to be inclusive to everybody. It also provides links to guidance and advice to support an active lifestyle.

Living Sport

Living Sport is a local charity that works to improve the health, happiness and wellbeing of Cambridgeshire residents.

It runs and supports many programmes for people with disabilities, and provides information to support people and organisations to run their own inclusive activities.

Free tennis coaching for children with additional needs

The Richard Darton Tennis Foundation arranges free places on tennis courses. The sessions are available for children aged 4 to 17 with disabilities or additional needs. Young carers are also welcome.

Various clubs around the city are offering space on their courses. Some of them also offer after-school tennis groups during term time.

The clubs will run inclusive sessions in small groups, alongside other children from a variety of backgrounds. The courses will vary in length depending on your child’s age and ability, as well as their needs and wishes. The main emphasis is on having fun!

The courses will be run by Lawn Tennis Association (LTA) registered coaches. The clubs will provide rackets. The clubs will follow the latest coronavirus guidance from the government and LTA. Sessions will be subject to change if the guidance changes.

Contact Steve Shaw at the Richard Darton Tennis Foundation to find out more. Steve will discuss your child’s needs and what your local tennis club can offer. Contact Steve at or 07485 279776.

Adults with additional needs can also contact Steve, who will be able to help point you to a suitable club.

Regular activities

Accessible cycling

Come and try a variety of adaptive and accessible bikes.

  • 10am and 11am every Sunday at Milton Country Park, from March to November
  • £5 – carers ride for free

For more information, visit You can Bike Too.

Adaptive martial arts

Bounce activity club

Bounce is a free club for 5 to 11 year olds. Activities include multi-sports, arts and craft and board games, and all sessions are run by volunteers from Cambridge Student Community Action.

  • Some Saturdays during term time, 1.30pm to 3pm at St Andrew’s Church Hall, Cherry Hinton, Cambridge CB1 3JS
  • Limited places – check before you attend
  • Contact


Clip ’n Climb Cambridge runs inclusive ‘Send’ climbing sessions for climbers with special educational needs. They provide a calm environment, turn the music down and have plenty of instructors to help. Numbers are restricted to 12 in a session. The centre has a climbing hoist, too.


All sessions are run by Cambridge United Community Trust at Coleridge Community College.

  • For ages 7 and younger: Saturdays, 1pm to 2pm
  • For ages 8 to 12: Saturdays, 2.15pm to 3.15pm
  • For ages 12 to 15: Sundays, 9.45am to 10.45am
  • For ages 16 and older: Saturdays, 3.30pm to 4.30pm and Sundays, 11am to midday
  • For amputees and pan-disability players aged 16 and older: Tuesdays, 8pm to 9pm
  • £3 per session
  • Reserve your place on the Official Soccer Schools website


All sessions are run by Cambridge Gymnastic Academy.


Cambridge Lawn Tennis Club welcomes children and adults with disabilities to their club. They run various sessions including social tennis, mini leagues, and individual coaching.

Multi Sports

Cambridge Adult Disability MultiSport (CADMuS) club provide a range of activities to try each week, such as Boccia, table tennis, goalball and Kung Fu, all with qualified and experience instructors.


Aspire badminton club provide accessible badminton sessions for everyone. Weekly sessions are available for both adults and children.


Cambridge and Coleridge Athletic Club offers weekly opportunities for people with all kinds of disabilities to take part in athletics, including wheelchair racers.

Adaptive Rowing

Camrowers welcome disabled people, including people who are visually or hearing impaired. As a seated activity in the outdoors, rowing is a great sport for disabled people and for those with long term health conditions.

Camrowers offer coaching on a one-to-one basis. For a free taster session please contact Camrowers directly.

Football for the Down Syndrome Community

  • Saturdays, 11am to 12.30pm at Chesterton Sports Centre
  • For all ages and abilities
  • Contact

Sensory walks

We have partnered with Sense to create a series of lovely sensory walks in Cambridge on our parks and open spaces.

Sensory walks allow you to use your senses to connect with your surroundings while you stay active. They are designed for people with complex disabilities, but everybody can enjoy them.

You can go alone or in a group, you don’t need any specialist equipment and the walks can be any length you like. You can go on foot, use a wheelchair or walker – sensory walks are inclusive for all.

You can also find the walks on the Ordnance Survey OS Maps app.

Guidance and advice

Activity Alliance have a wealth of information and guidance to enable organisations to support people with disabilities. With access to exercise advice, workouts, and activity guides, ensures everyone can move more, whether at home, outside or in your local area.

Special Needs Community Information Point have produced a free activity passport for children and young people, to hold information about a child that can be easily shared with activity providers.

Sport England’s ‘We Are Undefeatable’ national campaign is to support the 15million people who live with one or more long-term health condition in England, to build physical Activity into their lives. There is lots of information on how to get started and ways to move; find what works for you.

Get Out Get Active is a programme that supports disabled and non-disabled people to enjoy being active together. Activity Alliance is the creator and lead partner. The programme is funded by Spirit of 2012, Sport England and London Marathon Charitable Trust.

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