Help us map the city’s trees

We need your help to produce a map of all the trees in Cambridge.

The map will help inform the way we manage the city’s urban forest.

We’re using a free and simple digital-mapping tool called Treezilla to build it.

Treezilla is a citizen science project that is aiming to encourage members of the public, local authorities, business, local groups and other organisations to collaborate in mapping, measuring and monitoring trees across the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland.

By adding the trees in your gardens and on your land we can better understand the city’s urban forest.

We’re especially interested in mapping the city’s ash trees that are under threat from ash dieback disease

Treezilla lets anybody with a computer or mobile phone add trees to its global map. There’s plenty of guidance on the Treezilla website.

Sharing the map online and allowing you to edit it will have a number of benefits.

It will help highlight the important contribution trees make to our urban environment. And it will help landowners assess their tree cover, species diversity, and potential threats from pests and diseases.

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