Guide to partnership working


This framework guides our engagement with countywide partnerships.

It is intended to ensure that our partnership working is appropriate, accountable and can improve the quality of life for people living, working and enjoying the city.

You can download the full review of the council's partnership working:

We will work in partnership when:

  • it helps us achieve our Vision Statements 
  • it helps deliver the Sustainable Community Strategy
  • we have a legal duty to do so
  • it saves us money
  • it reduces our risk (eg to the council's reputation)

Each partnership we are involved with will have:

Effective governance arrangements

  • clear terms of reference
  • clear objectives, targets and performance management arrangements
  • good systems to manage risk
  • good systems to manage complaints.

Clear lines of accountability

  • appropriate city council member representation
  • members who are clear about their remit and the type and extent of decisions they can make on behalf of the city council
  • members who bring relevant decisions back through the city council's decision making and scrutiny process
  • members who are fully briefed before each meeting
  • nominated opposition members briefed before each meeting.

Arrangements to ensure they are open and accessible

  • meetings publicised in advance and held in public
  • agendas and reports published at least five working days in advance of a meeting
  • minutes that can be accessed as soon as possible after the meeting
  • the names and contact details of the city council's lead member
  • the opposition spokesperson and lead officers published on our website
  • good systems to engage the public.

Sufficient resources to deliver objectives and effective scrutiny

  • the city council committing the resources necessary to meet its obligations to the partnership
  • city council members using resources they contribute efficiently and this resource commitment being reflected in the council's service plans
  • partners challenged about the level and use of the resources they commit
  • opportunities to scrutinise the city council's contributions to the partnership - the lead member providing an annual report to their scrutiny committee about the partnership's work and its performance.

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