Get rid of pests at your business

Due to an issue with our booking system, we are unable to log any new pest control appointments until Tuesday 25 February. If you'd like to call us to book a pest control appointment, please do not do so until Tuesday. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

We can assist Cambridge businesses affected by pests. We offer a discreet and professional service, carried out by our experienced and fully qualified team.

We offer:

  • Rodent control: £114.33 per hour (including VAT)
  • Insect control: £114.33 per hour (including VAT)

There is a minimum charge of half an hour.

We don’t treat for ants, bees, beetles, foxes, fleas, rabbits, squirrels or wasps. Please contact a reputable private pest-control company.

If you have a pest concern or you require a single pest treatment, contact us to book an inspection.

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