Environmental education visits for schools

We are committed to making Cambridge a cleaner, greener city. A healthy and biodiverse environment is vital for the city’s future prosperity and the wellbeing of everybody here.

Schools play a vital role in communicating messages to communities, as children tell their families what they have learnt. So we visit local schools to teach pupils about the environment and how to look after it.

We offer educational talks and fun activities to help schoolchildren to learn in an engaging way.

We run short sessions with presentations and discussions for younger children. We offer sessions about:

  • biodiversity
  • environmental crime including litter, graffiti, and dog fouling
  • trees

We aim our talks and activities are aimed at class-sized groups, but can deliver assemblies for larger groups if time is limited. If necessary, we can tailor the session content to your pupils’ needs and ages.

We also offer fun, practical activities including:

  • building bird boxes, insect habitats or ‘bee banks’
  • planting wildflower areas or trees
  • identifying trees
  • surveying wildlife or litter

If your school is inside the city boundary, contact us to find out more or to book a session.

Our educational sessions can form part of the free Eco-Schools programme, an international award programme that guides schools to become more sustainable.

We work with Pesticide Free Cambridge to provide training and guidance to help you to reduce the use of pesticides at your school.

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