Dog control

As a responsible dog owner, you must:

  • clean up immediately after your dog in all streets and open spaces
  • not allow your dog to enter specified areas
  • keep your dog on a lead in specified areas
  • put and keep your dog on a lead when told to do so by an authorised officer
  • not exceed the maximum number of dogs in specified areas
  • keep your dog on a lead in areas with seasonal restrictions between 1 March and 31 July

A Public Spaces Protection Order governs dog control in Cambridge. Failure to comply with its requirements can result in a fixed penalty notice of £100 or a fine of up to £1,000 on conviction.

We have designated some parts of the city as ‘dog exclusion areas’, ‘dogs on leads areas’, ‘maximum number of dog areas’ and ‘seasonal dogs on leads areas’. These are shown on our dog control map, below.

The restrictions relating to dog control below do not apply to assistance dogs. There are no restrictions for people with assistance dogs.

Except for the above restrictions, you can allow your dog to roam without a lead on all open spaces in Cambridge. You must keep your dog under control at all times – if we believe you cannot do this, we will ask you to put it on a lead. We might do this:

  • where the public, particularly children or vulnerable adults, are at threat or feel threatened
  • where you dog poses a risk to the safety of pedestrians, cyclists or motorists
  • when your dog causes damage to public property, including trees and plants
  • where wildlife is, or could be, threatened
  • during emergency situations

Use the form below to report an issue with dog control including:

  • a dog regularly straying into the street, council land or other people’s gardens
  • a dog being walked without a lead in an on-lead or seasonal lead area or in an exclusion area
  • a dog being walked and not under control
  • dog fouling not being cleared up where the owner or handler is known or where you were a witness

Report a dog control issue

Dog control maps

The Public Spaces Protection Order includes a list of the areas subject to dog control.

Dogs-on-leads areas

Dog-exclusion areas

Maximum number of dogs areas

Seasonal dogs-on-leads areas

For a more detailed view, download the dog control area maps [PDF, 10MB]. You can also download maps showing the protection order boundaries:

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