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Cambridge City Council

Continental Drift sculpture

Continental Drift sculpture

  • Location: CB1 cycle park
  • Artists: Troika
  • Format: Sculpture and light projection
  • Commissioned by Brookgate

CB1 is one of the largest regeneration schemes to take place in the centre of Cambridge in recent years. The 10-year redevelopment from industrial site to neighbourhood with homes, workplaces and public amenities has resulted in an exciting new district.

Central to the scheme is a commitment to an ambitious programme of public art. This programme includes permanent commissions, temporary events, and an ongoing public-engagement programme.

This work by Troika consists of a rotating faceted globe, which projects a map onto the ceiling. The map is more than 10 metres wide. It continuously shifts, stretches and rearranges itself – it’s a map in which landmass is neither static nor organised in an established cartographic format.

Contrary to a conventional world map, the continents here drift along, in and out of focus. Each instance presents just another, yet equally true, version of the world.

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