Cambridge Rich Picture

The Cambridge Rich Picture is a visual tool we have developed that represents the ambitions for the city. We created it after listening to residents, staff and partners.

Although it looks similar to a map of Cambridge, it is not intended to be geographically correct – just a way of setting out all the different aspects of what makes up a place.

Cambridge Rich Picture

The idea of the Rich Picture is to bring together the common themes that come up in conversations with partner organisations, residents and businesses – about what they think is needed to make Cambridge a better place to live and work in.

The picture shows the end point that we are seeking to achieve, rather than a ‘how to’ of services, or the solutions. It also shows how many of the outcomes are interrelated and presents them as part of a systemic whole. It doesn't only represent areas of work that we alone can affect or is responsible for.

Our hope is that by identifying the priorities that people share across the city, the Rich Picture can be used as a tool to help focus conversations with partners, residents and businesses – about what needs to be done, and by whom, to achieve these shared ambitions and to inform future work.

Our aspirations for Cambridge

Common themes on the Rich Picture and examples of the outcomes include:

Equality, poverty and social inclusion:

  • access to housing, jobs and education
  • digital inclusion
  • giving people a voice in decision making
  • better sharing of information between organisations

Culture, arts and sports

  • access to good sports and leisure offers
  • healthier population through active lives

Outdoor spaces

  • protecting biodiversity and habitats
  • better maintained open spaces

Sustainability net zero

  • sustainable water supply
  • improving energy efficiency of homes

Built environment

  • clean streets
  • better enforcement of parking


  • high-quality design
  • reduction in overcrowding
  • more housing for people in need

Health and wellbeing

  • easier access to GPs and dentists
  • increased life expectancy
  • healthier lives and lifestyles

Community safety and justice

  • tackling anti-social behaviour and drugs
  • targeted youth work
  • everyone feels safe


  • reduce emissions and pollution
  • better public transport network

Education and skills

  • more apprenticeships
  • stronger pathway for local labour and skills

Economy, business and tourism

  • best place to live and work
  • strong partnership between businesses and the community
  • longer stay visitors contributing more

Using the Rich Picture

We want the picture to be used by the wider community, rather than just something that we use for our own purposes.

There is no one way of using it, and it’s designed to be adaptable to different audiences, purposes, and facilitation techniques.

Please see the images, documents and videos below to help you use the Rich Picture.




Video: What is the Cambridge Rich Picture?
Video: How to use the Cambridge Rich Picture

Rich Picture feedback

We welcome other organisations, and partners considering how they might also utilise this as a tool for engagement.

Please let us know how you have used it and how it has helped conversations.

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