Business rates and how to pay them

‘Business rates’ is the term commonly used for non-domestic rates, which are charged on most non-domestic premises, including most commercial properties such as shops, offices, pubs, warehouses and factories.

It’s an annual charge, usually paid in ten monthly instalments from April to January. However, all business rates payers have the option to pay by 12 monthly instalments ending in March. Email us to request this.

How to pay

Online payments service

To set up a Direct Debit, download and print the business rates Direct Debit mandate [PDF, 72Kb] and return it to us.

You can also pay by telephone – call us on 01223 457779. This number is for payments only. You’ll need your business rates account number and your debit or credit card. We’ll give you a confirmation number at the end of the transaction.

The total amount you must pay is calculated depending on the rateable value of your property.

Relief and exemptions

If you pay business rates, you might be eligible for rate relief. There are several options available.

Tell us about a change in your business circumstances

You must tell us about any changes in circumstance that might affect your entitlement to business rates relief. These could include:

  • if your business expands to occupy a further property anywhere in England
  • if the rateable value of your property increases and you are based outside of Cambridge (where we provide relief but would not have been automatically informed of the change)

Queries and appeals

If you wish to question the amount of your business rates, or to appeal for a change in the amount, read about business rates queries and appeals.

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