Barbecues on open spaces

Using a barbecue on Cambridge’s parks and open spaces is not permitted, except in the three designated areas listed below.

There are a number of risks involved with having barbecues. In particular, disposable barbecues can cause severe damage to grass and impede other park users.

It is a criminal offence to light a barbecue or bonfire on any open space in Cambridge. It is also an offence to cause criminal damage to any area of our open spaces, including by burning grass.

Designated barbecue areas

We recognise that barbecuing is a popular social activity, so we have installed three designated areas where it is permitted:

  • Jesus Green (barbecue stones)
  • Sheep’s Green
  • Byron’s Pool

These are the only places where using a barbecue is allowed. These facilities have been designed for the use of disposable barbecues only. They will prevent any damage being caused to grass.

  • Do not leave barbecue trays unattended. They pose a health and safety risk to yourself and other park users.
  • Ensure all coals are completely put out and the tray has cooled down before disposing of it. There are plenty of bins to use.

During the spring and summer we will regularly visit these locations and hand out free litter bags.

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