Summer activity grant

Local groups and organisations can apply for a grant to support families to get active in the summer.

Up to £1,000 is available for each group that applies, to provide free activities between 21 July and 7 September.

You can apply for the grant until 15 April.

The grant is a good opportunity to encourage families to engage with your club, group or venue, which could result in future engagement.

We will promote your activity in our newsletters and on social media.

Apply for a summer activity grant


You can apply if you represent:

  • a sports club or group
  • a leisure or sports centre
  • a community centre
  • a residents’ association
  • a community group

Your activity must be:

  • free
  • a one-off event or a weekly session
  • physical activity, sport or dance
  • delivered by people with appropriate qualifications and insurance
  • designed for parents or caregivers to take part in with their children – not a ‘summer camp’ for children only

Your activity can be open-access or require booking if spaces are restricted. It should ideally provide guidance on how to continue after the summer holiday.

You can use the grant to:

  • hire a venue
  • pay instructors, coaches or other staff
  • purchase or hire equipment
  • promote your activity

Example activities include:

  • tennis court access for families on Wednesdays from 9 to 11am
  • family swimming on Thursdays at 3pm
  • a weekly wilderness walk at the local park
  • physical activity sessions at a neighbourhood festival

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